Our Services

No one-size-fits-all solution

Every individual and organisation has unique needs and goals when it comes to training and development. That is why we take pride in our ability to customise our programmes and interventions to suit your specific requirements.


  • This 3-Day beginner-level course provides an understanding of the five disciplines of a Learning Organisation and aligns new hires with the organisation’s mission, core values and vision.

    By the end of the programme, new hires will be able to articulate the organisation’s purpose and priorities, and feel confident in their role and contribution to the organisation.

  • This 3-Day intermediate-level course equips all staff with the foundational theories, methods, and tools of the five disciplines of a Learning Organisation, and focuses on real-world application to improve their work and collaboration with others.

    By the end of the programme, staff will be able to enhance their team's problem-solving skills, build a learning mindset, and contribute to the organisation's success.

  • This 2-Day beginner-level course equips leaders with the practical coaching skills using the GROW model, to facilitate staff development through effective goal setting and accountability.

    By the end of the training, leaders will be able to foster personal and collective commitment to goal achievement, and promote a culture of engagement and trust within their teams and the organisation.

  • This 1.5-Day beginner-level course equips team members and leaders with the skills and strategies to create a culture of psychological safety, foster open communication, and drive collaboration and innovation within their teams.

    By the end of the training, all staff will develop a shared understanding of the organisation's mission and align individual actions with group goals, and transform perspectives on failure to promote a culture of continuous learning.

Our programmes are tailored to meet your organisation’s current needs and challenges in capability building.

We provide practical tools and methods that are rooted in theory and research, to be easily learned and applied without extensive costs or time away from work.

We also strive to make organisational and behavioural theory relevant to our learners, respecting the diversity in learning needs and preferences.


  • Designed for leadership and project teams, the intervention helps to build the team’s capability to solve complex work problems using systems thinking methods and tools.

    By the end of the intervention, leaders and team members can confidently leverage on the disciplines of a Learning Organisation to engage in generative conversations to create the team’s desired future reality, and engage in high-leverage actions to deliver results that the teams truly care about.

    Methodology: Learning workshops, team coaching, sponsor sharing

  • Designed for mid to senior level leaders, this intervention helps to build the organisation’s capability in navigating the challenges of a rapidly changing work environment.

    The intervention focuses on building transactional and transformational leadership skills, facilitating generative conversations, and developing a systemic understanding of organisational challenges to drive sustainable solutions.

    By the end of the programme, graduates will be effective leaders who can manage change, foster strong teamwork, and connect their work to their life purpose.

    Methodology: Learning workshops, self-assessment, coaching, sponsor sharing, reflective assignments

  • Designed for leadership teams, this intervention collectively increases awareness of team dynamics, raise emotional intelligence, and build capacity and skills for problem-solving.

    By fostering greater alignment with team purpose and values, we help raise the team’s confidence and capabilities to solve current problems and resolve future challenges effectively.

    Methodology: Interviews, self-assessment, coaching

  • Designed for leadership teams and senior management, this intervention aims to provide a safe and supportive environment for open and authentic conversations about key work matters.

    Through open and reflective conversations, we help the team align with its purpose and shared goals, enabling more effective decision-making and prioritisation.

    By the end of the programme, leadership teams gain a shared understanding of leadership topics and create a sense of commitment and alignment within the team.

    Methodology: Learning workshops, management advance/retreats

We specialise in delivering targeted interventions designed to enhance team effectiveness and foster commitment to a shared purpose.

Our comprehensive approach combines relevant frameworks, innovative methodologies, and practical tools to tackle challenges head-on.

Whether it's leadership development, talent management, or organisational culture enhancement, our team is dedicated to providing customised solutions that drive measurable results.

Get in touch.

Drop us a message to start a conversation about your needs.